Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Digital Citizenship and Creative Commons

Digital citizenship is basically your own personal online footprint. It shows what you've posted or what others have posted about you. More people should be aware of their digital footprint because they arent the only ones who look at it. Many colleges or job employers look at people's Facebook and Twitter to get a deeper understanding of that person. If there are negative comments or posts, then that person will be less likely to be hired or accepted. Without these skills, I would be unaware of the dangers of digital footprints.
I'm glad I have these skills because it allows me to put the best work forward. Creative Commons is a website that allows people to share their work with personalized copyrights. It makes sharing and using work much easier and hassle-free. It is simple to use work on their website for projects or blogs. You just need to remember to site the source from Creative Commons. Some people are using this in a bad way by using other people's work for profit. That's why their are certain licenses that ensure that from not happening. It is a very useful tool if you are a person who shares data and want credit for your work.

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